Sunday, July 8, 2007

Terrorism- - The Real Deal

I took a few days off for the 4th. I spent 5 days at the lake with no computers! Lots of time to read and reflect. This generally leads to more "Ravings", this time was no exception.

I generally think of terrorists in the same way I think of gang members in a big city - -uneducated people living in poverty with no hope for a better life, with no regard for life - theirs or others. A situation where crime and violence is the way you make a living and survive. I tend to think if only they had a way out they could turn their lives around - - -

Maybe gang members fit this image I have, but terrorist, well last week reminded me of what we are really up against. The terrorist attacks in England were carried out by Doctors and medical students. Good jobs, educated, all the creature comforts! These "people" have a hatred for us and our way of life that is beyond anything we can comprehend. They really are convinced that we are the devil and we must all convert to Islam or be killed.

On the 4th we celebrated Independence Day. If we intend to protect our way of life and our right to live free, we must take stock of our enemy. Political correctness be damned, we must be prepared to defend country and our way of life.

I don't know the answer, but I do know we are not taking the threat seroiusly enough! This is not about politics, it is about survival!

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