Thursday, May 29, 2008

A World of Causes

It is official now. We had long suspected it was the case, but now we have proof! The tide went out this morning along the Gulf coast. If this trend continues unchecked, all the worlds oceans will dry up in 7 years! What will we do? What - -it happens every day you say. You are trying to tell me that this is a natural cycle. How simple minded can you be, there were people there who saw it occur! Go ahead stick your head in the sand if you want, but just remember I told you in time to stop it. If man had only changed his ways, this catastrophe could have been avoided.

I heard on the way in this morning that the water level in Lake Victoria was falling. The "journalist" went on to say that if this trend continues unabated that Lake Victoria would be completely dry in 30 years. Must be that Global warming thing again. The only problem is that the water level in the lake has fluctuated for years thousands of years - -even after "we fixed it" in 1954 with a big dam.

If I had any hair, I would pull it out!

I know the world is warmer. What I don't know is why, or for how long. I also don't know why Mars is getting warmer, but I know it is.

We love causes. I know I do. There is nothing better than a puppy in peril on TV to cause us to rise to the occasion, band together and move mountains to save it. Nothing wrong with that, I like puppies. I just think we should choose our causes with a little more thought.

As a matter of fact, once the "cause" has been declared (in the case of Global warming by non other than Al Gore) it is complete heresy to question it at all. For any scientist, it is a career ending move to even question whether it is man made or maybe something as simple as a solar cycle.

It speaks volumes to our arrogance as humans. Our assumption is that there is nothing "bigger" than us. If anything significant happens one way or the other, man must have caused it. Sharon Stone created an outcry in China recently when she suggested that the earth quake there was a result of "bad karma" because China mistreats Tibet. I bet Sean Penn agrees, maybe even Al Gore.

Maybe that whole bad karma thing is what caused global warming. No that would fly in the face of the undisputed science. We are doing it to ourselves. It is the whole carbon thing. We need to all rush out and buy carbon credits. Just so happens that Al Gore is part owner in a company that sells them, which makes it really convenient since we know they will be the real thing and not some Chinese knock off.

Now Mars on the other hand has got to be karma related to the whole treatment of Tibet thing. Nothing else makes sense scientifically!

By the way, next time you are in Africa please carry a bottle of water to pour in Lake Victoria - - just in case. You know if we all band together we could lick this thing. No tap water please. The best water comes from melting a glacier.

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