Friday, May 29, 2009

Who pays?

Government does not, and can not, create wealth. Wealth is only created in the private sector by leveraging capital with productivity, innovation and risk. The result in a successful enterprise is profit, and accumulated profits generate wealth. We may not all agree with this, but it is the way I learned it in school, so we will run with it. After all, it is my blog.

Our government has been in the business of redistributing wealth for years. Since the time of Johnson's "Great Society" programs of the early 60s, we have been working hard at it. President Johnson, to be fair, did not invent redistribution of wealth, but he did put it on steroids. We fund this redistribution through our "progressive tax" system. The more you make the bigger the percentage of each dollar you pay in taxes.

You with me so far? OK, so how do these 2 fit together in my mind? Well it seems to me that the government has decided open the gates of the Great Society wide open, as a matter of fact it looks like we have removed the gates entirely. Banks can't make it on their own, Uncle Sam will put you on the dole. Insurance companies, sure come on in. Car companies, steel factories, newspapers, the Stat of California - - -the list seems endless. Borrowed money you could not afford to pay back to buy that big house, doesn't seem fair to Uncle Sam. "Free" health care for everyone - -why not. Government always thinks it has the answers to our problems. That generally translates into throwing fistfuls of our earned money at any problem that arises. Maybe the government intervention can do for all these groups what it did for the Post Office! Now there is a model of success.

If Johnson's vision of the Great Society had worked, maybe I could see it working on this grand scale. The fact is it did not, and will not. The government can not make unproductive companies productive. It can not keep us as individuals from making stupid financial mistakes. It can't make us all smart or productive. It can't make us willing to take the risks required to accomplish great things. In short Uncle Sam can not deliver us from the hard cold facts of life, or the realities of free markets.

The only way that the government can level the playing field for us, be it on a corporate level or personal, is by lowering standards for everyone not raising the masses up.

For a while, the government can print money to try and cover up the problem, but it can't fix it . The government can not create wealth. So the question remains, who pays? I think in our heart of hearts, we all know the answer. One way or another we all do. It is easy to say "sock it to the rich", but the truth is more and more that "the rich" is anybody holding a job in the private sector.

Some of us will see our tax rates go up. I believe that every one's taxes will have to be raised to pay for this frenzy of spending. I don't think anyone really believes otherwise. But even if I am wrong about that, the inflation that every economist agrees is coming because of all the money that was printed out of thin air, well that will savage all of us equally.

So in the end who pays? Every single one of us! So much for "sock it to the rich."

1 comment:

Terry said...

I posted on this topic back before the election, and you seem to have hit the same nail on the this I mean, to level the playing field, we all must become impoverished. Not a pretty picture if you ask me.