Thursday, May 31, 2007

How you can tell

Well if you have ever wondered how to tell when you are old - -I think I know. We went to see Pirates of the Caribbean III tonight with my niece. The show was too long, all I could think about was that it cost $24 dollars for the 3 of us to get in, and popcorn and 3 drinks were another $18. Yep, I'm old.

Next thing you know I will be telling people that we walked 6 miles to and from school up hill both directions with the temp at 30 below.

Ah how I miss the good old days.

First Post

Just returned from a quick lunch and decided that this was as good a time as any to get started! Many thanks to Rick for helping me (pushing) to get this started. If Rick had not set it up for me I would still be "studying".

If there is to be a theme for this, I have not found it. Perhaps that is what ravings are all about. My first rant is about spell check. I am widely regarded as one of the worst spellers on the planet. Thank goodness for Pat. I accept this as a missing gene, since I don't want to consider the fact that I didn't pay attention in school.

I am pretty sure there are many of us out there with the same missing gene, we will call it BR549, that said why would anyone ever enable a spell checker that did not also have auto suggest! This is clearly an attempt to humiliate us as a group! It is bad enough that we have to guess about "to" vs "too" and "loose" vs "lose".

I think I may give up any attempt at written communication in the future.

Is there such a thing as a 1 post blog?